from Abel Internet
(TCP) Control Panels: Specific Instructions




The following is a step-by-step guide to setting up your software for use with Abel Gratis. We recommend that you print this page before continuing, and afterwards retain it for reference.

TCP Control Panels


  • Use the Apple menu, choose Control Panels, choose TCP/IP. 
    In TCP/IP,
    make sure your settings are as below:

  • Connect via PPP (or via FreePPP Setup, if relevant)
  • Configure: Using PPP Server
  • IP Address <will be supplied by server>
  • Subnet Mask <will be supplied by server>
  • Router Address <will be supplied by server>
  • Name Server Addr.:, then press the "enter" key and type:
  • Additional Search Domains:


  • Use the Apple menu, choose Control Panels, choose MacTCP
  • Ensure PPP or FreePPP is highlighted (at the top)
  • Click "More ..."
  • Bottom right quarter of screen - 
    On the first line set:
    Domain entry to:
    IP Address entry to:   Default: Select 

    On the second line set:
    Domain entry to:
    IP Address entry to:   Default: Not Selected

  • Select Manually (top left)
    Set Gateway Address (lower down, bottom left) to
    Select Server (top left again)
  • Select Class C (top right quarter of screen) - click on the Class letter to change to Class C, if necessary
  • Make sure on top left Under Obtain Address, Server is highlighted. 
  • Click OK & save changes if asked - not a bad idea to go back and double heck your settings

E-mail Software

See elsewhere.

If you require further assistance please phone our technical support line on 0906 680 4444: the charge is 25p per minute at all times. Alternatively, send an email to [email protected] giving details of the software you are using and the problem you are experiencing